Community Development Finance Authority
Clean Energy Fund - Capitalized at over $10 Million, CDFA’s Clean Energy Fund merges four individual revolving loan funds dedicated to financing energy-efficiency improvements and clean / renewable energy initiatives into a single program and application process providing low-interest loans along with energy technical assistance and project funding guidance.
Large Business Programs - The Large Business program is designed for business customers with an average monthly demand of 200 kW or larger to help with the purchase of energy efficient equipment as part of a new construction or renovation project, a process expansion, replacement of equipment that has reached its end of useful life or to replace less efficient existing equipment.
Small Business Programs - Incentives for retrofit projects cover up to 35% of the project cost (50% for lighting). New equipment and construction incentives cover up to 75% of the incremental cost for the most efficient options or buy down to a one year payback whichever is less.
0% On Bill Financing - You can borrow up to $50,000 per project for 12 to 60 months. Loans must be used to purchase and install qualifying energy-efficient equipment.
New Hampshire Business Finance Authority
Business Energy Loans - Repayment terms can often be extended to match the ROI of the energy investment, ensuring your business sees positive cash flow from day one. Minimum loan size $100,000.
New Hampshire Department of Energy
Non-Residential Sector Competitive Grants Program- The RFP seeks proposals to increase the supply of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) from thermal renewable energy or certain other non-photovoltaic electric renewable energy projects located in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire Electric Co-op
New Equipment & Construction - New Equipment and Construction Program offers prescriptive and custom incentives for qualified measures that will help you improve the efficiency, comfort and value of your facility.
smartSTART® Project Financing - Pay nothing out of pocket to have energy efficiency products installed in your business. The cost of the improvements is repaid over time, using the savings generated by the products themselves.
Electric Commercial, Industrial, & Municipal Energy Efficiency - Whether you’re constructing a new building, expanding your existing facility, installing new equipment or replacing aging equipment, your partners at NHSaves offer financial incentives and technical assistance to help with your project.
Natural Gas Commercial/Industrial Programs & Incentives - NHSaves offer financial incentives and programs to help cover the incremental cost of energy efficient options.